Seminarium „Informatyka Stosowana i Modelowanie Matematyczne”
Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium „Informatyka Stosowana i Modelowanie Matematyczne”, które ze względów epidemiologicznych odbędzie się online na platformie Zoom:
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Passcode: M07L0L
Dzień: środa 27 stycznia 2021
Czas: 9:45
Prelegent: Katarzyna Wasielewska-Michniewska (Instytut Badań Systemowych Polskiej Akademii Nauk)
Tytuł: Second rise of semantics in the era of next generation system architectures
Streszczenie: The word semantics refers to the study of meaning whereas semantic technologies help machines to understand data. The concept of semantics in IT had its first uptake almost 20 years ago. Even though dedicated technologies, standards and tools were developed, they never made it to be widely used in real-life applications. During that time the scale at which IT systems operate have drastically changed. With an exponentially increasing number of devices connected to the Internet, the vision of Internet of Things was formulated. Distributed computing and big data processing became more of a necessity. New challenges have emerged: how to provide a shared understanding of data?, how to search for data within ecosystems?, how to track data provenance and manage trust?, how to represent data access policies that can be enforced by different entities? In the presentation current trends in application of semantic technologies will be outlined.
Mariusz Bodzioch, Aleksander Denisiuk, Mikhail Kolev, Ivan Matychyn.